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How to keep your partner Happy

Good Relationships are blessings of God, keep your relation always healthy. sometimes we do not know how to keep your partner happy, so what we should do then? here I have collected some effective listings you should keep for better results. Be an active listener Always be an active listener when your partner is telling you his or her story.give his suggestions and do creepy things. Avoid blaming  Blaming is not a good thing, never blame your partner on little things, allow him to be free to talk to you, give him relaxation and free to talk to you. never overthinkabout situations. Make a sorry ''An apology is a lovely perfume, it can transform the clumsiest moment into a gracious gift. Always make a sorry, sorry can save relations, even he is on a mistake, you can sorry, it will give you worth when he will cool. shout for time People say never shout when your partner is not giving you time, but i will suggest even make a little fight with your partner,

5 most populated countries in the world

According to Worldometers 7.6 billion are the part of this world and expected population in 2050 is 9.7 billion. The world is a combination of some congested countries and some with little population. Vatican City, Tuvalu, Palau, San Marino are some countries with a population under 50000, but here we are going to discuss 5 most populated countries in the world.\

#5 Brazil

Brazil is 5th largest country by population. Brazil has population of 210,867,954 peoples in 2018 ,forecast for Brazil population in 2050 is 232,304,177.Brazil has a rich economy and making progress by leaps and bounds. Brazil has GDP of 3.39 trillion which is 8th largest by any country, and Brazil has a good deposit rate in IMF.
Brazil flag

#4 Indonesia

Indonesia is Muslim majority population country. Total population of Indonesia is 266,794,980 in 2018 which was 214,090,575 so increase % in population is  24.6 %. Expected population for Indonesia is 300,183,166 in 2050. Indonesia is 14th largest country by area with 1,904,569, km2. Indonesia is also developing the country with 1 trillion GDP.
Indonesian flag

#3 United States

The United States is a combination of more than 50 states. The United States is also one of the largest countries have an area of 3,796,742 sq mi. The current population of the United States is 3266,766,748. The population of the United States in was 282,162,411in 2002 so % increase is 15.8.GDP of America is 18.57 trillion so America is one of the richest countries in the World.
usa flag
United States

#2 India

India is a second largest country in the World. India has an area of 3,287,263km2. India has 2.26 trillion GDP.India has rich growth percentage in population , in 2002 population was 1,006,300,297 and current population is 1,354,051,854.
indian flag

#1 China

China is a most populous country in the world and the Chinese language is the most spoken language in the world. China has two currencies Yuan and Renminbi.According to 2002 survey china's population was 1,228,301,605 and current population is 1,415,045,298.with least growth percentage 11.6% so expected population of China in 2050 is 1,201,627,048.China's GDP is 11.2 trillion USD.
chinese flag


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