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How to keep your partner Happy

Good Relationships are blessings of God, keep your relation always healthy. sometimes we do not know how to keep your partner happy, so what we should do then? here I have collected some effective listings you should keep for better results. Be an active listener Always be an active listener when your partner is telling you his or her story.give his suggestions and do creepy things. Avoid blaming  Blaming is not a good thing, never blame your partner on little things, allow him to be free to talk to you, give him relaxation and free to talk to you. never overthinkabout situations. Make a sorry ''An apology is a lovely perfume, it can transform the clumsiest moment into a gracious gift. Always make a sorry, sorry can save relations, even he is on a mistake, you can sorry, it will give you worth when he will cool. shout for time People say never shout when your partner is not giving you time, but i will suggest even make a little fight with your partner,

Ten countries you didn't know existed

Ten countries you didn't know existed if you are a nature lover you should visit them once in your life.

#5 Abkhazia

Abkhazia officially as the Republic of Abkhazia. Abkhazia has very little population 243,206. Abkhazia has historically defined boundaries, a separate government and military system. Abkhazia was the part of USSR . when USSR collapsed in 1991 Abkhazia won the war of independence against Georgia, despite this victory UN refused to recognize Abkhazia as a separate state UN considered it not more than the province of Georgia.
abkhazia dispute

#4 Chinland

Chinland is the land of more than 1.5 million people whose boundaries touch the Bangladesh, India, and Myanmar. Chinland has more than 20 languages. In 1940 when the British empire started to decline Chinland, unfortunately, merged in Myanmar.  Chinland people don't have exclusive rights except having their own national day and leader.
chin state, myanmur

#3 Balochistan

A province of Pakistan covers 44% area of Pakistan. Some tribe of Baloch nationalist believe that we are a separate nation as celebrate 11th August as their independence day, they believe that on this day the British gave autonomy to Balochistan. but in a referendum, 98% of Balochistan voted for Pakistan that they should be the part of Pakistan instead a separate state.
balochistan dispute

#2 South Ossetia

South Ossetia officially the Republic of Ossetia has only 53000 population. In 2006 people of South Ossetia and Georgia held a referendum to check the desire of people for independence state. but the result of referendum and declaration of independence went unrecognized
south ossetia dispute
South Ossetia

#1 Kashmir

Kashmir has a population of 13 million people. In 1947 Pakistan and India came into existence. People of Kashmir decided to stay in an uncertain future. At this time Jinnah argued that according to two nation theory the state of Kashmir (with 77% Muslim should join Pakistan). In 1947 Maharaja head of the state sought military assistance from India, and still in 2018 Kashmir has hold of the Indian army.
jammu kashmir


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