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How to keep your partner Happy

Good Relationships are blessings of God, keep your relation always healthy. sometimes we do not know how to keep your partner happy, so what we should do then? here I have collected some effective listings you should keep for better results. Be an active listener Always be an active listener when your partner is telling you his or her story.give his suggestions and do creepy things. Avoid blaming  Blaming is not a good thing, never blame your partner on little things, allow him to be free to talk to you, give him relaxation and free to talk to you. never overthinkabout situations. Make a sorry ''An apology is a lovely perfume, it can transform the clumsiest moment into a gracious gift. Always make a sorry, sorry can save relations, even he is on a mistake, you can sorry, it will give you worth when he will cool. shout for time People say never shout when your partner is not giving you time, but i will suggest even make a little fight with your partner,

5 incredible movies that will blow your mind

We think too much and feel little once Charlie broke the silence, a movie is a good script abundance of characters a good camera acting, that is what people think about movies. every movie has a story behind it either it fiction, horror, non-fiction based or even any other category. we never understand a lesson behind it. here apex goat is going to list top 5 movies that will change your mind.

#5 127 HOURS

127 HOURS is based on true story of survival, 127 hours is a physiological thriller directed and produced by Denny Boyle. 127 HOURS is the story of Aron Ralston's adventure who was a climber once in hiking his forearm trapped between canyon wall and boulder, I found a crying moment in movie when he tried to break the big mountain with knife than he feels hopeless to remember his past, a girl he loved, his family than he gather all his hopes and hike even a team of hikers found him. 127 HOURS released in 2010 and earned 60 million USD in revenue.127 HOURS nominated for ''Academy award for best picture''.
127 hours
127 hours

#4 Dead poets society

Dead poets society is an emotional movie about education and right of young people to say in their own lives that you will ever see add to this the truly tragic passing of Robin Williams and the emotions become unbearable. the story has a main focus on young group of school students as their teacher John Keating and his impact on students is great and students find love in it but later after a suicide of a student Keating blamed and fired  and boys sing the most emotional poem ''oh captain my captain '' when he left the academy that is the seen will make you cry. Dead poets society released in 1989 and directed by Tom Schulman. The film received ''Academy award for best screenplay''.
dead poets society
Dead poets society

#3 Rocky

There have been several sports films on this list but in rocky we have one of the most inspirational underdog stories the fact that this low budget film still resonates as strongly as it does today nearly 40 years later speaks volumes rocky a song we can truly root for and just may see a little bit of ourselves in the no hope of pugilist, Rocky is small-time boxer and loan shark enforcer with a heart of gold beaten every night still had a good morning with new hope.rocky was actually writer-actor ,Sylvester Stallone's last chance in Hollywood and the best film Oscar tells his story of triumph.

#2 The Shawshank Redemption 

Beloved Shawshank Redemption is the arc typical endurance in the face of adversity movie. It is about hopes and dreams even in the worst circumstances of resilience and defiance by the irresistible appeal of giving up. Andy Dufresne a tall drink of water wrongly accused of murder finding his strength by having everything taken away from him ,Dufrense story is one that resonates precisely because of the injustice he faces and the film  expertly layers on thick to the point of absolute despair when a student is murdered to cover up information that would free is hard yet heartwarming classic about friendship and there is no fine metaphor for dealing with life and andy's crawl through a river and comes clean to the other side. The Shawshank Redemption released in 1994 and directed by Frank  Darabont. The film received ''American society of cinematographers award ''.
shawshank redemption
The Shawshank Redemption 

#1 It's a wonderful life 

Maybe this one's obvious, maybe the fact that the longevity of this film has transcended the decade it was made is still considered a festive classic, it can still make little children, grown and adults cry
or maybe laughing which shows at sometimes latency is a bad thing though it is remembered as heartwarming experience. The film is actually an exercise in endurance, it's about misery and about the reasons we all accept misery whether it's family love community, it's not like George's life really changes by the end but his mentality does. his message is very much one of grin bear it and see the beauty in all of life. Thank you, Clarence, and Thank you, George.
it's a wonderful life
it's a wonderful life

hope these movies are so incredible to change your life, drop your favorite movie name in comments.


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